A lot of you already know me from my human mom's blog,
http://confessionsofathriftyshopper.blogspot.com/She loves me and talks about my adventures and mis-adventures often.
She and I thought this would be a good way for everyone to enjoy life, from my point of view!
Let me tell you a little about me and how I became a pet. Last year on September 25 my dad rescued me and my brother. We were walking down the street, straight into the yard of some pitbulls. They thought we looked like a yummy little snack. We saw dad and both went right to him. He picked us up and held us close. I felt so safe. When mom came home, she couldn't believe what dad was holding. She was surprised at how tiny we were.
They put us in a box with a soft blanket and some food & water. Sadly, my brother did not live through the night. I miss him. Mom and Heather went and bought puppy replacement milk, cheerios and grapes for me. That milk was just what I needed. Mom fed me with an eyedropper every 4 hours...day and night.
A week later mom and dad bought me my condo! It's actually a 3 level cage, but condo sounds so much cooler! They bought me treats and toys, too. After talking with a rehabber, they found out that I had to live with them through the winter, since I wouldn't have any stored food outside or a nest.
Pretty soon, I started to grow and wanted to explore a little. Mom was so scared that I would crawl in somewhere and wouldn't be able to get out. That never happened! Silly human.
I decided that I like the top shelf, of a set of shelves in the grandkid's room. I made it my loft. I knocked everything that was up there on the floor, to make it my own. Mom and dad gave me some blankets and a box. I have since decorated it with 2 of mom's disney Christmas socks, one of her disney valentine's socks and one of dad's tube socks. I made a little nest out of those. I like things cozy! I also have a barbie stuffed poodle for company. I tend to pick things up as I'm exploring around the house. Mom likes to thrifty shop and so do I.
I'll post some picks of my condo and loft soon!